
I added an initializer for the InputFilterPluginManager like this:

return array(
    'input_filters' => array(
        'initializers'=> array(
            'CsrfInput'  => 'MyLib\InputFilter\CsrfInputInitializer',

The initializer class looks this:

namespace MyLib\InputFilter;

use Zend\ServiceManager\InitializerInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;

class CsrfInputInitializer implements InitializerInterface
    public function initialize(
        $instance, ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
    ) {

When I run this my class "User\InputFilter\ProfileFilter" is dumped
twice. Even all other input filter classes are dumped twice.

When I add the following line:


I get different hashes for each call of the initializer. So two objects
are created although my input filters are not defined as "shared" = false.

Is this a bug or a feature?



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