On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 5:17 AM, Juan Pedro Gonzalez
<unaputacue...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> I've tried with ModuleEvent::EVENT_MERGE_CONFIG but it won't trigger on my
> test application; ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULE and
> ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULES_POST do trigger.

Can you show when/how you're registering your listener?

> On application.config.php I've just got:
> 'modules' => array(
>         'ThemeManager',
>         'Application',
> ),
> Using ZendFramework 2.2.4
> Also got a new question, is there any way to get the module directory in
> ZF2? Right now for module-specific themes I'm requiring the module to
> implement a function getDir() so I can return the __DIR__ constant to the
> listeners. This makes forces me to a create an array holding the module
> path, and two additional paths for template_path_stack (One for the
> view_manager and another for the theme_manager)... I guess I could avoid
> saving the template_path_stacks if EVENT_MERGE_CONFIG would trigger, but it
> seems I still would have to keep track of module paths.
> Let me explain the internals a little:
> $config['theme_manager']['template_path_stack'] would be the path to the
> themes folder. I guess i cannot load the stack at any stage earlier than
> Bootstrap (Best place would be something like EVENT_BOOTSTRAP_POST but can
> not find something like this so I use a low priority -10000). This way the
> developper can change the theme however he wants (Database, config file,
> etc).
> I also get a hold of $config['view_manager']['template_path_stack']... The
> main reason is I haven't figured a better way to set the template_path_stack
> on post Bootstrap than replacing all loaded paths with a new one... However
> I don't want to break ZF2 functionality; for example, forcing to modify
> existing modules such as ZfcUser, BjyAuthorize... as they won't have a
> theme, only the ViewManager configuration... therefore I should late load
> all template stacks to achieve my goal: Theme template_stacks first, view
> template_stacks last. This way I guess the ViewManager template stack would
> be used as a fallback if no theme is configured for a given module, or if an
> specific template does not exist for a given module and the ViewManager has
> been set.
> My goal right now is having a single folder for the themes, common to all
> modules... if the module specifies a theme folder, this folder should be
> used as a fallback if the main theme folder doesn't find the template, and
> even another fallback to use the ViewManager if the theme is missing that
> template. The public folder would be defined in a global autoload config
> file, so I can not do much until they have been loaded (I guess on
> EVENT_BOOTSTRAP) but, as stated earlier, at that stage I could only load a
> default theme configured in that file as I still need to know if the
> developper is loading another theme inside the EVENT_BOOTSTRAP.
> I'm not sure if I'm messing things a little....

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
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