I'm creating a new ServiceManager instance and a abstract_factory instance
is failing to load.

Found out the root of the issue is $services->has('Config')  fails within
Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterAbstractServiceFactory::getConfig() line number 71.

My code:

use Zend\ServiceManager\Config;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;
/// ....
        $this->sm = new ServiceManager(new

app.php has:
    'db' => [
        'adapters' => [
            'trackingDb' => [
                'driver' => 'pdo',
                'dsn' =>
                'username' => null,
                'password' => null,
                'dbname' => 'overload',
                'options' => array(1012 /* PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_THRIFT_DEBUG
*/ => true),
            // ... More DBs
    'abstract_factories' => array(

$this->sm->get('trackingDb'); fails because $services->has('Config'); fails.

I would have assumed new ServiceManager(new Config()); would have
automatically set the Config service to the Config I passed in ...
apparently, it does not.

One solution is to add this line, within
        $serviceManager->setService('Config', $this->config);

However, I'm unaware of the implications to that. 'Config' is obviously
being set somewhere else for abstract_factory to pass unit tests. But
where? I'm running a very slim-down, component-by-component, based app; I
only import zend-servicemanager, zend-db, and zend-http.


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