Hi all,

An issue I come across reasonably regularly with ZF2 forms is dynamically 
setting validation rules based on other elements in the form.

For example, let’s say I have a checkout form, where I capture users personal 
details and payment details.  So would could maybe have a PaymentForm, with a 
PaymentDetails fieldset and a PersonalDetails fieldset.  Each fieldset could 
have its own input filter and hence validate itself when the form is validated. 
 All good.

Now, what if we want the user to either be able to pay via credit card or 
PayPal.  For this we might take the PaymentDetails fieldset further, by adding 
two sub fieldsets, CreditCardDetails and PayPal details.  Within the 
PaymentDetails fieldset there might be a select option which allows the user to 
choose a credit card type or PayPal.  If they choose PayPal, any values in the 
CreditCard fieldset are irrelevant, and shouldn’t be validated.

I belive I should be using validation groups for this, but at what point do I 
set the validation group, should I do this in my controller action where the 
form is submitted, but before it is validated:  Essentially getting the 
submitted value for the ‘payment type’ select option and manipulating the form 
input groups accordingly??  This I believe will work, but it would seem to tie 
the forms underlying logic to the controller a bit too much.

Am I missing something, or would this be the ‘recommended way’?


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