On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 02:47:24PM -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
> i proposed a similar solution to schwern last night and he shot it down
> as he doesn't want the test coder to do any more work than necessary. i
> said, if he uses the test suite he is signing a contract and if he wants
> the block TODO feature, he must obey the rules. schwern didn't
> agree. later this week i will clobber him with a blunt contract and we
> shall see if he won't change his mind. :)

Here. All the magic in a package, with the "user" only having to make 
a TODO: {} block.

    package Abigail;

    use     strict;
    use     Exporter;

    use vars qw /@ISA @EXPORT/;

    @ISA    = qw /Exporter/;
    @EXPORT = qw /ok/;

    $Abigail::trailer = "";

    use Filter::Simple
        sub {s'TODO:\s*\{'TODO:{local $Abigail::trailer = " # TODO";'g;};

    # The Magical Mystery Tour boards here.
    BEGIN {
        no strict 'refs';
        my $coderef = *{"Abigail::import"}{CODE};
        no warnings 'redefine';
        *{"Abigail::import"} = sub {
            $coderef -> (@_) if "CODE" eq ref $coderef;
            goto &Exporter::import;

    my $count = 0;

    sub ok {
        print $_ [0] ? "ok " : "not ok ", ++ $count, $Abigail::trailer, "\n"


    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

    use Abigail;
    use strict;

    ok (1);
    ok (0);

    TODO: {
        ok (1);
        ok (0);

    ok (1);
    ok (0);


    ok 1
    not ok 2
    ok 3 # TODO
    not ok 4 # TODO
    ok 5
    not ok 6


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