Although Perl is a great tool for this sort of thing, there are others
as well, most notably Procmail.  And there's an excellent filter
system called the Spam Bouncer which consists of a bunch of procmail
scripts which does just what you want.  See
for more info.


Scott R. Godin writes:
>has anyone implemented a 'better version' of the vacation program for 
>I'm particularly interested in 'screening' the bulk-mail type messages 
>that list me in their "bcc:" header so that my address does not show up 
>in the "from:" or "cc:" address listings, thus preventing 
>/usr/bin/vacation from triggering and sending the response. =:P (fat lot 
>of good that does me)
>I've noticed that near 99% of the spam I receive uses this method to 
>mask it from reciept, so typically I filter this with my mailer into a 
>dumping ground, but the sheer amount of spam lately (235 items since Nov 
>5th) has caused me to form a desire to tackle this more forthrightly and 
>Ideally, it should return the offending mail to postmaster@* (where * is 
>the supposed 'from' address) to report the abuse, and include a full 
>copy of the original message including headers (along with a nice terse 
>little message regarding the laws involved). Additionally it would be 
>nice if it could forward the spam to my OWN postmaster for additional 
>reportage and filtering at their end.  
>I'm quite unsure how to go about this. I'm loathe to start messing with 
>it without some direction, against the possibility of perhaps breaking 
>things or doing it VERY wrongly and seriously pissing off my own 
>postmaster hehe ;) without some starting point references to work from, 
>and I don't have a testbed here to play with, until my friend finishes 
>the work on the redhat box he's been tossing together for me in his free 
>time. :-) 
>Can you kind folks offer some pointers to me as to how I can go about 
>such a task, and what would be some of the traps and pitfalls to avoid 
>(of which I'm quite sure there are many) in the process? 
>I'm very anxious to get back at these spamming bastards somehow, as this 
>intrusion into my personal e-mail is MOST unwelcome, and I've got a 
>growing passion to stamp out this *expletive deleted* practice as often 
>as I can. 
>Hitting them where it hurts with *minimal* manual intervention, seems 
>the best way. >;D
>I've considered also, the possibility of stuffing them in a database, 
>and then periodically checking it interactively with the program, and 
>triggering 'bounce' type messages to said postmasters on a specific 
>basis -- as this way I don't auto-trigger "I'm-annoyed-by-your-spam" 
>responses for *legitimate* 'bcc' messages.
> something sort of like an 
>    $ ~/bin/ -X (where X will be whatever flag I decide on to 
>enter the database processing stage)
>    You have (n) messages in your holding cell. Proceed? (y/n) _
>    <list of from/subject lines, numbered>
>    Enter a Selected line number, or 'a' for all. [#/a] _
>    <message headers>
>    Preview, Accept, Bounce, Delete [p/a/b/d]? _
>(if Preview is selected)
>    <message body>
>    Accept, Bounce, Delete, 
>-all-instances :D [a/b/d/m]? _m
>    Domain '' Captured. OK?
>        <Return to accept, or enter corrections>: _
>(where (A)ccept could possibly add the From address to a list of 
>acceptable e-mails that get passed through automatically from then on. 
>:-) as well as passing the mail on to my proper inbox, just like a 
>\$user in my .forward file would.
>this is just a stray shell account, that I retain around on my prior ISP 
>for testing purposes, perl-wise, and in case some people still haven't 
>upgraded their addressbooks, so delaying the mail a bit won't kill me. 
>(particularly considering the volume of spam it's recieving lately) I 
>don't even get 1/20th the amount of spam to other accounts I have. :/
>With enough pointers, I think I can complete the beastie -- I mean I DO 
>have a pretty complete 'vision' of what I want. :-) I just need some 
>pointers on how to get there. I'll happily contribute this pup to the 
>CPAN scripts archive if I can get it working exactly the way I want it 
>to. I'm SURE some of you could find a use for it. ;) 
>Your thoughts and contemplations are anticipated with great desire and 
>gleeful hand-rubbings and evil-grinning eyebrow-wagglings to "Make it 
>If stuff like this isn't one of the things that makes Perl so "fun" I 
>dunno what is. :D 
>(note that while I'm sort of broad-casting my initial hopes on this to 
>four groups on (perl.scripts, perl.beginners, 
>perl.macperl.anyperl, perl.fwp), I'm confining responses (via reply-to 
>and followup-to) to 
>aka nntp:// 
>to consolidate things and reduce the required effort of following this 
>thread to a single track. I hope this is the proper way to go about it 
>-- despite years of experience with cross-posting on usenet, this is the 
>first time I've thought about doing such a thing on a group that was 
>also mirrored out as a mailing list. :\ Apologies and if this is the 
>wrong thing to do, will the moderators let me know in private, and I'll 
>do what I can to correct it. :)
>print pack "H*", "4a75737420416e6f74686572204d61635065726c204861636b65722c0d";
>Scott R. Godin            | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Laughing Dragon Services  |    web :
>It is not necessary to cc: me via e-mail unless you mean to speak off-group.
>I read these via, so as to get the stuff OUT of my mailbox. :-)

William R Ward            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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