Brad Greenlee wrote:
> Here's a question of fair play: does each program have to work for any
> text file, or is it ok if it just works on the test cases presented by
> tsanta? I can shorten my by one stroke, and it still passes all the
> tests, but it will eventually fail when the file reaches a certain size.

The programs should be "sound"; passing is no guarantee.
A program that failed on files longer than 100 lines, for instance,
would certainly be disqualified.

I propose that a panel of non-combatant Perl experts judge the leading
You can protect yourself against disqualification by making more than one
e.g. if you have a 100 and 101 stroke solution, and believe the 100 stroke
solution is unsound, you are free to enter both; if the 100-stroke solution
is disqualified, you will be given a final score of 101 (assuming that
solution is sound).

To take revenge on Santa, you might like to run a "Consolation Loophole
a no-holds barred game, where the *only* rule is that prints
"Hooray you passed". That game would allow some of the more surreal
hacks that I have just witnessed.


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