On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 03:24:14PM +0100, Sven Neuhaus wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 03:01:43PM +0000, Mohit Agarwal wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 02:49:05PM +0100, Sven Neuhaus wrote:
> > >         y/A-Za-z/A-Za-z/>2&&y/0-9/0-9/>1
> > > or the shorter
> > >         $a=$_;y/A-Za-z//>2&&y/0-9//>1
> > > that will mungle the password in $_ but keep a good copy in $a.
> > 
> > Why will it mungle the password in $_ ???
> It won't - I was confusing it with the behavior of some tr programs.
> So it's
> y/A-Za-z//>2&&y/0-9//>1
> Too bad you can't write
> y/A-Za-z// > y/0-9// > 1

Even if you could, it won't be correct. While "abc1234" is a correct
password, if doesn't match "y/A-Za-z// > y/0-9//".


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