Hey All,

OK, here is a problem I ran into (well, created) at work. I would like to 
be able to paste an as-short-as-possible perl script at the end of a VHDL 
file so that people can run it to change the interfaces (don't worry if you 
don't get this).

Anyway, here is the data going in (VHDL comments outlining what the 
interface does):

-- SUN:
--   S_RSTb      out
--   S_INTb      in
--   CMX_CSb     in
--   CMX_D       inout     7
--   CMX_A       inout     7

Here is the desired output VHDL:

--== SUN ==--
S_RSTb  : out std_logic;
S_INTb  : in std_logic;
CMX_CSb : in std_logic;
CMX_D   : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
CMX_A   : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

The colons are aligned vertically with the length of the longest signal 
name plus a space.

Please explain if you are doing anything "complicated" so we can all learn. ;)

The double hyphen in front of the incoming text is optional and could have 
spaces on either side of it. The spaces between "fields" is arbitrary (but 
never tabs). The signal fields always have at least one space on the left, 
and the comments always have the colon at the end (makes script a lot 
simpler). The overall length of the script is the most important, speed is 
no concern. Lines are limited to 78 characters too. :(

Here is my attempt, at 7 lines (need to count #! line)...

#!/cygdrive/r/perl/bin/perl -n
if(/[\s-]*([^:]*)\s*:/){$a[$.]="--== $1 ==--\n";next}
$l=length$1;$m=$l if($l>$m);
print" "x($m-length$r)." : $b[$i] std_logic";
print (($c[$i]!='')?"_vector($c[$i] downto 0);\n":"\n")}}}

Thanx for any feedback!

  - Aaron
Aaron D. Marasco

I love America every day, not just when she needs it.

rm -rf /bin/laden

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