On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 08:39:09PM +0100, Steffen Müller wrote:
> you could replace the permute function with the one below. It's a
> few times faster, I think. MJD wrote it, I just modified it.

Last time I did permutation benchmarks, MJD's routine came out
even slower than the one in perlfaq4 whenever the list was longer
than 8 elements.

If you want to generate permutations *really* fast, grab
Algorithm::FastPermute from the CPAN.

The fastest _pure Perl_ permutation routine I've seen is the one
at http://use.perl.org/journal.pl?op=display&uid=1821&id=699

Can anyone beat it? For the purposes of this contest, the routine
simply has to print the permutations to stdout.


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