We already have "Tall Trees"/"Toothpicks":

-p $_ x=$|--&y|||c&~(y|a|||y|e|||y|i|||y|o|||y|u|||y|y||)   57 klem
-nl ($.|y|||c|y|a|||y|e|||y|i|||y|o|||y|u|||y|y||)&1||print 59 bart
-n 1&($.|~y|||c|y|a|||y|e|||y|i|||y|o|||y|u|||y|y||)||print 59 byng
-ln 1&($.|y|o|||y|e|||y|u|||y|a|||y|i|||y|y|||y|||c)||print 59 ivey
-ln 1&($.|y|||c|y|a|||y|e|||y|i|||y|o|||y|u|||y|y||)||print 59 sean
-p 1&($.|~y|||c|y|a|||y|e|||y|i|||y|o|||y|u|||y|y||)&&y|||cd
                                                            60 byng

and "Journey Beyond the Stars":

-p y*a

To these, I would like to add "Ampersands of Time":

-p !($|--&~y&a&&&~y&e&&&~y&i&&&~y&o&&&~y&u&&&~y&y&&&y&&&c)&&y&&&cd

containing 33 & characters in a score of 66.

I expect "Mexican Wave" (based on ~) and "Dashing" (based on -)
are also possible.

I wonder what the highest possible ratio is? The best I have come
up with so far is 0.5238 (33/63) by modifying Matthew's 60-stroke

-p !(1&($.|~y|||c|y|a|||y|e|||y|i|||y|o|||y|u|||y|y||))||y|||cd


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