On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 05:14:51PM -0500, Yanick wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 04:32:29PM -0500, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
> > I have an interesting idea.  Take Perl code, and jumble it around to
> > something else (valid or not) and state the original code's purpose.
> > 
> >   # find all prime numbers
> >   $_||=(1)^(\1/~++$$)while +x._/+1;print
> > 
> > The comment is correct, the code has been jumbled.
>       (1x$_)=~/^(.1+)\1+$/||print while++$_

That's what I had (module layout) but couldn't figure out how to get rid
of the initial "1", which isn't prime.

The jumbling shuffles the meaning of the tokens, e.g. ||= is one token
in the problem and two (|| and =) in the solution. Kudos to anyone who
puts together a problem where alphabetic tokens and [say] regex
modifiers (unless, while, /eis, &c) transmute into other alphabetic
tokens for the solution...


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