On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 06:37:56AM -0600, Dave Hoover wrote:
> > On Tuesday 12 February 2002 07:22, Jerome Quelin wrote:
> >Since when does a golf contest not accept one-liners?  [..]
> Looking back just a few months in the fwp archives shows that Santa's,
> Ton's, and Andrew's golf tournaments all have requested solutions in file
> format:
>   name-your-script:
>   #!/usr/bin/perl -switches
>   codecodecode
>   codecodecode
>   __END__

Beside, is there any golfic advantage I don't see 'bout using

        perl -e'codecodecode'

instead of 


? Unless I'm forgetting something major, the second option
gives you a few bonus strokes and protects you of the evil
that shells do[*]... No?


[*] 'The Evil that Shells Do' being a song from that good old 
album Seventh Subroutine of a Seventh Script, z'of course.

($_,@.)=split m<[\d=[\]]>,"Y..0e0t0 =a0n0o0t0h0e0r= [P0e0r0l] "
 .  "0h0a0c0k0e0r";          y|.    |.   |s  ;
for $0(1..23)  {  $_ .='.' x s|  (.)[.] $|$
                           +. shift@ .|ex|| '.'   } ;print;

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