Hasanuddin Tamir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
>> On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 12:58:16PM -0500, Steven Lembark wrote:
>> >
>> > > Somehow, hearing Damian shout "You will love the new syntax" at the last
>> > > YAPC, wasn't enough. I still feel some animosity towards Perl 6; like its
>> > > gonna take over Perl 5 completely. A feeling not very different from that
>> > > I have towards Python!
>> >
>> > If you enjoy debugging code that gets broken by people
>> > using different editors on it then feel free to switch :-)
>> >
>> > The majority of perl will be consistent with what it is
>> > now: a pretty much free-format language that permits
>> > stringent, well-designed code and fun.
>> I think calling a language that will parse things differently
>> if you insert white space between tokens "free-format" totally
>> removes all meaning from the phrase "free-format".
>> > Beyond which, we're liklely be able to "use perl5;" (or
>> > something like it) and have the old stuff run as-is. It
>> > would be better to leave the angst stage until the iniaial
>> > versions come out, since there will certianly be any
>> > number of changes 'tween now and then.
>> The point isn't old stuff. If I were to retire from using computers,
>> I wouldn't make a fuss.
>> But I still plan to write *new* stuff, even after perl6 gets released.
>> And no, saying "perl5 will still be around" isn't doing us much good.
>> There won't be new development of perl5, or bug fixes.
>> Other languages will remain being developed and bugfixed. If perl6 is
>> going to happen (I hope it won't), I'll be shopping for a new language.
>> perl6 will just be one of the candidates.
> When the developmet/bug fixing of perl5 discontinues, what will happen if
> someone insists to continue the path. Perhaps with forking?

Then the development/bug fixing of perl5 will not have
discontinued. Perl5 development will only stop if people stop
developing (tautology alert). Unless I'm greatly mistaken, Larry's not
going to stop people who want to do that.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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