A friend of mine showed me:
a camel-shaped program that prints four camels when run, and
asked could I do better using CPAN Acme::EyeDrops module.

Well, I don't know about better, but I could not restrain
myself from trying something similar.

The EyeDrops-generated camel.pl, shown below, can generate
thirty two different camels as follows:

perl camel.pl         normal camel
perl camel.pl q       quine (program prints itself)
perl camel.pl m       mirror (camel looking in the mirror)
perl camel.pl i       inverted camel
perl camel.pl u       upside-down camel
perl camel.pl r       rotated camel

You can further combine the above options, each combination
producing a different camel, for example:

perl camel.pl uri

The 32 possible combinations are:

  ""   q    r    u    m    i
  qr   qu   qm   qi   ru   rm   ri   um   ui   mi
  qru  qrm  qri  qui  qum  qmi  rum  rui  rmi  umi
  qrum qrui qumi qrmi rumi

camel.pl was generated from this program, gencamel.pl:

use Acme::EyeDrops qw(sightly);
my $prog = sightly( { Regex         => 1,
                      Shape         => 'camel',
                      SourceString  => <<'END_SRC_STR' } );
&&($_=reverse),$:=~/i/&&y, #,# ,,print$_.$/for$:=~/u/?reverse@;:@;
my @a = split(/\n/, $prog);
my $max = 0; length > $max and $max = length for @a;
$_ .= ' ' x ($max - length) for @a; $\ = "\n";
print ' ' x ($max+2); print " $_ " for @a; print ' ' x ($max+2);

with the command:

perl gencamel.pl >camel.pl

I had to work quite hard to make the source program small enough to
fit into a single camel (and it won't fit into a single `/anick), so
I would be delighted if any golfers out there can further shorten:

&&($_=reverse),$:=~/i/&&y, #,# ,,print$_.$/for$:=~/u/?reverse@;:@;


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