Hello fwp'ers,

Here's a golfish problem that I thought some people might enjoy:

What is the shortest way to test a variable for truth and then set its
value to false such that the truth test still succeeds?

For example, I have a global variable $a (given) that is somehow set
to true. I want to test it for truth and do something:

    $a = 1;
    if( $a ) {
        $a = 0;

    ## and now $a is false

You can't do this:

    if( $a = $a ? 0 : $a ) {

because the whole expression becomes false when $a is assigned 0.

My shortest try is this (10 characters w/o whitespace):

    if( $a%2 .. $a-- ) {

Assuming warnings and stricture, can anyone find a shorter
test/assignment? It doesn't have to be numeric (i.e., bit strings or
any true/false values will work).

Good luck!

Scott Wiersdorf

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