>From: Abigail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Maybe-useful subroutine (BETTER!)
>Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 05:06:04 -0700
>There isn't much going on here. '$#' followed by a name of an array gives
>you the index of the last element. '@' followed by the name of an array,
>followed by a list inside '[]' gives you a slice, a list of elements
>from the array, indexed by the list found inside the '[]'.
>Now, to deal with references, Perl has a rule: where ever you have a
>variable (be it simple like $scalar, or complex like $array [index]),
>you may replace the name of the variable by a block (delimited by '{}')
>whose result is a reference to the appropriate type.
>So, @{ }[ ] is just a slice of the array pointed to by the reference inside
>the { }, and $#{ } is the index of the last element of the array pointed
>to by the reference inside the { }.
> > 2. Yes if my company didn't have a training budget which I apply to pay 
> > this conferece I wouldn't either. The costs seem very high, but then it 
> > California. BUt my impression is that O'Reilly sure isn't loosing any $$ 
> > it!
>Well, I wouldn't go there not even if my company would be paying for me
>(or someone else for that matter). The reason I won't go isn't that I
>would have to pay lots of money, but that they charge everyone that much.
>As for O'Reilly making money on it, I've heard that they actually lost
>money the last time (and maybe ever the previous time). That O'Reilly is
>making (or trying to) make money out of it is their good right. They are
>a commercial company after all, and that's what commercial companies do:
>make money. They have employees they need to pay, and I guess they have
>stockholders too.
>I'm sometimes a bit disappointed that most people don't share my views and
>happily pay such high fees (now, if just 1 out of 20 decided to pay the
>same amount to the Perlfoundation, wouldn't that be great?), but everyone
>is entitled to decide for themselves where to spend their money on.
> > 3. Rats- maybe next year I'll go to YAPC instead! Love to meet ya.
>There might be 3 YAPC's to choose from next year, if Nat manages
>to do a YAPC::Winter.

Zounds not much going on? Why does my brain hurt then :>.?. I'll be 
ciphering on your example afew days- catch up with ya later! Thanks for the 

* JAPC *
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