Quick latin (www.quicklatin.com):
Give new my 44 then X. Kcahere thus do you think you move thus give to the 
seat to this to these
 the decapitamentum. New my. While this do thus the praecidementum give to 
this I go along to the one reduced to quasi-slavery for debt.
 With then the new obligation between creditor/debtor the serementum I 
make new give you move return new you move by the tsuj which/who
 by the htonaequ. Quere thus write the 32 indementum go/march/come outed 
you move by the tsujer thus do
 one you move by the htonaer thus do you move to do thus to these the 
decapitamentum even give no
 I choose I go along. To the woven fabrics my give one mention. The 
two-horsed chariot then of the three woven fabrics
 the scindementa if my give. Press/lean uponed of the powers then one do 
the aequalita thus go/march/come outed
 with the [he/those] about to follow nomorus the party in law suit then 
the air write. Return six you move with [he/those] about to follow
 enlarge the nomorus the party in law suit write go/march/come outed you 
move by the lreper thus do one you move
 the doorkeeper which/who by the lrepequ. Nine which/who by the kcahequ. 
Through which/who in do new
 thus write the indementum this go/march/come outed you move note/jot down 
the Roman tongue the 1010 perligata

meis novis da XLIV tum X.  kcahere sic face  cis rere sic  da loco huic 
decapitamentum. meo novo. dum hoc fac sic praecidementum huic da meo 
cum novum tum nextum  serementum novo da  cis novum redde  cis tsuje 
htonaeque. quere sic  scribe indementum XXXII egresso  cis tsujere sic 
unum cis htonaere sic face cis facere  sic his decapitamentum vel nullum 
opto meo.  textis meis da  unum memoramenta.  biguttam tum tertium 
scindementa nomis meis da.  nisi optum tum unum aequalitam  fac sic 
cum secundum  nomorum rementum  tum er scribe.  sex redde cis  cum 
nomorum rementum ampliamenta  scribe egresso cis lrepere  sic face unum 
ianitorem queque lrepeque.  nonum queque kcaheque. per quisque in novis 
sic scribe indementum  hoc egresso cis  adnota lingua romana perligata mhx

Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler
VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5030

"To understand recursion, we must first understand recursion."

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