Chris Dolan wrote:
> Bart Lateur wrote:
> > When thinking of a user-friendly interface to let a user define a table
> > of words and their hyphenated forms, I stumbled across this cute
> > problem. It's simple enough to be a fun puzzle, yet not too hard to be
> > labour. It might even be a fun task for Perl Golf.
> >
> > The problem is this: given two versions of a word, one without, and one
> > with hyphenation, determine which hyphens are soft hyphens (optional
> > breakpoints), and which ones are hard hyphens? For example:
> >
> >       hypo-allergeen  hy-po-al-ler-geen
> >
> > (If you wonder about the hyphenation rules: Dutch)
> >
> > Here, all hyphens are soft hyphens, except the one between the "o" and
> > the "a", which is required (I guess. I'm not 100% about the spelling,
> > people seem to disagree on that one), or at least, let's suppose so.
> >
> > So, a short and sweet snippet that figures this out, please? The result
> > may be whatever form you like.
> >
> This is cheating because it uses a non-core module, but here's a short
> one that removes the soft hyphens:
> perl -le'use Algorithm::Diff LCS;print LCS map[/./g],@ARGV'
>             hypo-allergeen  hy-po-al-ler-geen
> output:
> hypo-allergeen

Errr... isn't there an easier way to do that?

perl -le 'print $ARGV[1]' hypo-allergeen  hy-po-al-ler-geen

(not tested!!)

get back to the golf, you lot!
We can't find Osama because Arthur Andersen f**king shredded him

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