On 30/09/2002 16:20:25 Philippe 'BooK' Bruhat wrote:

>On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, Davide Copelli wrote:
>> I am using this script to print an image using <img> tag
>> print "Content-type:image/gif\n\n";
>> @gifdata = `cat $giffile`;
>> print @gifdata;
>> The problem is that it works on unix but not on windows operating sistem

This problem is not fun at all.

>Fun aswer: s/cat/type/
>A little more serious:
>open F, $giffile or die "horribly";
>print "Content-type: image/gif\n\n";
>print <F>;
>close F;
>An even more serious answer would be too long, and probably discouraging.

Would it include binmode() ?

Csaba Ráduly, Software Engineer                           Sophos Anti-Virus
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