On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 01:22:26PM -0800, Quantum Mechanic wrote:

> I came at it from another direction, starting out
> caching the board state (equivalent to @state) for
> each board seen. [In most cases, there are several
> "paths" to a given board state.]
> I also used some other speedups, like precomputing the
> jump neighbors for each hole, and computing all
> rotations/reflections of each board and caching all of
> them (there are 5 equivalents for each board state,
> besides itself).
> The problem space soon blows up rather large for
> larger board sizes. For instance, I've seen it run out
> of memory on a large machine (caching boards) for N=7
> (7 pegs on a side, 28 holes total), having cached
> about 1M boards.

Since the rotations/reflections are equivalent, you could save a lot of
memory by only caching a canonical instance of each board state.  For
example, number the holes with powers of 2, and only cache the
rotation/reflection with the lowest sum of occupied holes.  Of course,
checking the cache would also require finding the canonical state, so you
would be saving memory by adding runtime.


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