Ok, I bit. Spent all frickin' day on it. I stuck as close to the original description as possible, even adding the ability to view files on the network without actually downloading them, which I thought was pretty essential. It will also show you the size of each file.

I swapped the argument order around a bit, as I thought it was odd to have the password be the first parameter. Mine is invoked like so:

perl tinyp2p.pl server <passwd> <listenhost:listenport> [<peerhost:peerport>]

perl tinyp2p.pl client <passwd> <serverhost:serverport> [list|get] <pattern>

Note that when entering a pattern, you need to escape the backslash. So to search for .mp3 files, the pattern would be \\.mp3$

The result: 9 lines. If better golfers than I want to try to cut it down, please do. Just be forewarned that mistakes in the code can cause all kinds of garbage to be written to your filesystem.

Pasting it below and attaching it.


# tinyp2p.pl 1.0 by Brad Greenlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# idea from http://freedom-to-tinker.com/tinyp2p.html
use IO::Socket;($t,$s,$u,$p,$x)[EMAIL PROTECTED];if($t eq"server"){$p&&($p{$p}++,map{$_ ne
$u&&$p{$_}++}f($p,2,$u));while($c=new IO::Socket::INET(LocalAddr=>$u,Reuse=>1,
Listen=>9)->accept()){if(<$c>eq"$s\n"){($r=<$c>)>1?do{print$c "$_\n"for keys%p;
print$c "$_\t$z\n";if($r>0){open G,$_;read G,$b,$z;close;print$c $b}}}}close$c}}
for$v($u,f($u,2,0)){printf"%s (%s)\n",@$_ for f($v,$p eq"get",$x)}sub f{($h,$q,
$m)[EMAIL PROTECTED];$k=new IO::Socket::INET($h)||return;print$k "$s\n$q\n$m",defined$m?"\n":
'';$q>1?chomp(@r=<$k>):[EMAIL PROTECTED]();while(<$k>){chomp;($f,$e)=split/\t/;[EMAIL PROTECTED],[$f,
$e]if!$q|!-e$f;next if!$q|-e$f;read$k,$b,$e;open F,">$f";print F$b;close}};@r}

# tinyp2p.pl 1.0 by Brad Greenlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# idea from http://freedom-to-tinker.com/tinyp2p.html
use IO::Socket;($t,$s,$u,$p,$x)[EMAIL PROTECTED];if($t 
eq"server"){$p&&($p{$p}++,map{$_ ne
$u&&$p{$_}++}f($p,2,$u));while($c=new IO::Socket::INET(LocalAddr=>$u,Reuse=>1,
Listen=>9)->accept()){if(<$c>eq"$s\n"){($r=<$c>)>1?do{print$c "$_\n"for keys%p;
print$c "$_\t$z\n";if($r>0){open G,$_;read G,$b,$z;close;print$c $b}}}}close$c}}
for$v($u,f($u,2,0)){printf"%s (%s)\n",@$_ for f($v,$p eq"get",$x)}sub f{($h,$q,
$m)[EMAIL PROTECTED];$k=new IO::Socket::INET($h)||return;print$k 
PROTECTED]();while(<$k>){chomp;($f,$e)=split/\t/;[EMAIL PROTECTED],[$f,
$e]if!$q|!-e$f;next if!$q|-e$f;read$k,$b,$e;open F,">$f";print F$b;close}};@r}

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