on 22/4/02 04:59, (G-Books) at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I just acquired a G3 333 Lombard (24x CD, 1 battery good for 3+ hours, floppy
> and yoyo power cord) for an unheard of $200.  :-)  It has 192 MB RAM, 4G HD,
> and
> is running OS X (10.1) but does not have classic installed. As I am new to
> both
> the powerbook and OS X I was looking for pointers.

You can max the RAM to 512MB. I've done this on my Lombard 400, so I know it
works. As to resellers, <www.transintl.com> used to sell a 512MB bundle for
the Lombard (2 x 256MB, incl. the hard-to-find 256MB low profile bank), for
a total price of $99, but ram prices have gone up recently and they're now
charging around $99 just for the low profile 256MB.
OWC <http://eshop.macsales.com/specials/MailList.cfm> has the low-profile
banks at $87, lifetime warranty.

If your 128MB bank is high profile, you could get the 256MB low-profile and
take the total to 384MB, which isn't bad at all.

You can use any 12.5mm or smaller hard drive in the Lombard.
OWC is selling a 30GB Fujitsu (3-yr warranty) for $120. Other places might
be cheaper, though you could save on shipping if you get it all from the
same place. 

Other suggestions: the Lombard uses the same expansion bay devices - Zip
drives, CDRW, CD/DVD, etc., including batteries - as the Pismo.
Keep an eye out for a cheap VST expansion bay Zip drive if you use Zips;
there was a link a couple days ago to the 100MB version at $20 or so (maybe
MacZone?). Can't beat the price.

Good luck.

Chris H

P.S. If you happen to come across any other $200 Lombards, let me know ;-)

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