Thank you for the kind words.  Adelphia is not among my favorite 
companies, but quite unfortunately several years back the city of 
Charlottesville made an exclusive (!) deal with them to provide cable 
access in the city.  So they're the only game in town.  My employer 
pays for the Powerlink portion to allow me to work from home. 
Haven't decided whether that's good or bad yet, it can be nice to 
leave work behind.
My impression is that cable modem speed is pretty dependent upon 
other users in the area, distance to switch, etc.  When school's out 
of session and none of the local undergrads are playing quake, I get 
better speed here than on the office LAN.  At worst, it's still way 
faster than the dialup speeds I've gotten in old houses, or in the 
country, but I haven't really used dial-up in a new home with good 
wiring and short runs to a main line.  :-)
Anyway, I'm delighted to have this Pismo in the first place, and to 
be able to go wireless in all but the office is wonderful.  Apple 
just did things right with a few of the machines in their history, 
IMO, usually the second or third iteration of a form factor -- like 
the SE/30, the IIci, and the Wallstreet-Lombard-Pismo series; I'd add 
the flat-panel iMac if I still had one.
Anyway, I've indulged myself in the wireless connection here long 
enough time to head to the office.
My best to all,

>Glad to hear your problem is solved...I HAD adelphia for 5 days and dropped
>it...Running an imac se 400 (graphite) and a pismo..My dialup is a
>consistent 52-54k connection and the absolute best that I could get
>w/adelphia was about 85-95k in the early am or mid-day..it dropped as low as
>80k in the eve....called adelphia tech support and was told that they only
>guarantee 80k...regardless of their commercials that say up to 50x faster
>than dialup. Their tech person was ignorant and nasty when I said I was on a
>Mac system..said I should be glad I got what I did with the system.  I was
>able to have the Pismo set up and running via Airport w/out any trouble, but
>only at the lower speeds...I figured that it just plain wasn't worth $45+ mo
>for less than 2x what I have w/ the dialup.  many other people in my area
>have had the same experience and have dropped them...Adelphjia just started
>offering the cable modem capability in my area in the beginning of August.
>Mike K

Joel Furtek
Assistant Varsity Coach
University of Virginia Women's Rowing
Office: (434) 982-5665
Cell: (434) 981-6811

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