First post to this list.

A couple of weeks back I posted a note about this problem to 
MacWizards and the only constructive reply I got was to join this 
list. I'm not in a burning rush to solve this problem because I've 
got a Ti PowerBook to use, but I'd like to get the old WallStreet 
working, so I'm looking for any insight as to the nature of the 
problem here. I've tried to include all of the relevant information, 
but in case I've forgotten anything that matters, just ask and I'll 
provide the missing detail, if possible.

- web

----- Original Post to the MacWizards List -----

I've got a Wall Street PowerBook that's got a problem, and I'm having 
some difficulty sorting out what's wrong. The symptoms are as follows:

  1. Won't boot up.

  2. When the power manager is reset and you attempt to boot it, you 
get a chime, then a second chime, then a third chime that's weaker 
and clipped at the end.

  3. Once in a while the above chiming sequence is followed by 
horrible noises from the speakers like something was being shorted 
and sparking and self destructing inside. It's a very ugly sound.

  4. When trying to reset the Power Manager using the key combo, every 
second attempt results in the fan coming on while the keys are 
depressed. Pressing the key combo again causes the fan to cease 

  I've replaced the PMU board, thinking that it was the problem, but 
the same things happen (though it did boot up once when the PMU board 
was installed and the PM reset, but it wouldn't boot up a second 
time). Today I measured the voltage on the PMU battery, and it 
measured 5.6 volts. There are 6 cells so I'm thinking that the 
voltage should be over 6 volts, close to 6.6 or so. But then since 
the silicon runs at lower voltage, 5.6 may be enough to sustain it. I 
guess what I'm looking for is someone who may know from experience 
which board is the problem in this Mac, based on the symptoms, or if 
I need to get a new PMU battery. I should mention that running off of 
AC or battery made non difference. It wouldn't start.

  This unit had a board fail the first two weeks I had it, and Apple 
replaced three boards (PMU, charge, power) and it worked for 4 and a 
half years before the current failure. I've got a new Ti PowerBook 
but I want this one back in operation for my wife. Any experience 
based advice would be welcome.

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