on 04/03/03 23:32, David Clark at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Greetings from the freakin' freezin' north...
> Inspired by a brief mention in a recent post -- it's not powerbook
> specific, or it might be. I run a Pismo 400 w/512 MB RAM and 10.2.4...
> I don't really have a problem, but I suspect something is amiss. People
> always talk about the importance of running fsck, which I do regularly
> (especially when an app crashes, etc.). However, I also hear people
> talking about the time it takes. For me, it's always been almost
> instantaneous on my Pismo, whether under 10.1 or now 10.2. I've never
> seen *any* output from it, positive or negative. Is this normal?

Depends on how much time instantaneous is for you. I haven't used fsck for
quite some time, so I'm not sure anymore what it specifically does. I know
that it's first supposed to check for directory consistency. Can it do that
almost instantaneously? Maybe, but I would imagine that with the number of
folders in a typical OS X system disk, that wouldn't be really
instantaneously. But I've never seen fsck failing for any reason. That's
from my experience from using NeXTStep since 1992...

Laurent Daudelin   AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin    <http://nemesys.dyndns.org>
Logiciels Nemesys Software               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

fix n.,v.: What one does when a problem has been reported too many times to
be ignored.

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