The 1.3 updater diaolg box opens, but "update" and "restore" are both
shaded and don't work.

First question. When you plug your ipod in, does it show up on the desktop as a hard drive? If not, it's possible that you have a bad cable. Were there any inits or cdevs that you forgot to install for the cardbus card? My guess is that it's one of those two things. I have used one on my wife's lombard with a generic cardbus firewire card and it has worked fine. We are using OS X.

Apple's site lists 10.1.5 as the minimum system for the new 3G ipods (the ones with the docking base). I think that's due to them using the software updater 2.x. There is a 1.3 software updater that supports the ipods with the firewire ports on them, and that works under OS 9.



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