On Mar 8, 2004, at 3:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just returned a psc2410 to Costco... wreaking havoc causing freezes, spontaneous quits (confirmed by a Conflict Catcher test). I assumed it wanted OSX and but I don't intend to go there so returned it. It never did print but, like you said, was seen by the Chooser.

I've used my HP PSC 2510 networked all-in-one from my Wallstreet - 9.2.2 - and my PB G4 17" - 10.3.2 - and the 2500 driver is definitely happier with OS X than OS 9.

Though it did work with OS 9, for both printing and scanning, I had a vague feeling it made the machine less stable (hard to tell with my flaky Wallstreet) and every time I shut down it would "quit unexpectedly" as part of the shutdown process. Plus it would NEVER print from MS Word 5.1, though it would from pretty much everything else I tried it with.

It's a different driver than the 2400 one - at least the networking part has to be - but sounds like there are similarities (after all, the printers are, if I'm thinking of the right ones, the same except for the networking ability).


Thanks to all who have offered suggestions. I really appreciate them.

One unintentional misperception that I left people reading my original post was that I was having trouble printing from 9.2.2. I can print just fine from 9.2.2, and the HP supports 9.2 printing. I just don't like to re-boot, especially since I partitioned this disk without installing the OS 9 drivers on the OSX volume (doh!), and so when I boot from 9, the OSX volume is "unreadable" and I cannot choose it in the Startup Disk control panel since it doesn't mount at all (stranded ... in 9.2.2!).

The only problem I'm having with that HP is that it will not print from CLASSIC (when the machine is booted in OSX and I run an OS 9 ap and try to print from it), something HP does NOT support. Booting 9.2.2 and running Classic in OSX are two different animals.

The workarounds I'm toying with are

1.) since I rediscovered how extraordinarily much faster stuff runs when I boot from 9.2.2 (instead of OS 10.2.8) on this old Lombard (PB 333), I may migrate back ... but it will probably turn out to be unbearably painful since I cannot mount the OSX volume, and will have to perform some stupid transfers of large amounts of data (from the 25GB OSX partition) to an external volume I don't actually possess, and then back to the re-initialized OSX partition in order to see it from an OS 9 boot, OR

2.) buy a copy of Photoshop Elements off half.com (or somewhere) for $60 or so -- less than 1/10 the price of Photoshop 7 -- to run on the OSX partition, and leave Classic behind forever (it's the only thing I use Classic for).

Option 2 sounds easiest and do-able-est, but I am SOOOOOO SICK of bloody Safari's spinning rainbow at every click that I'm thinking of getting a second mortgage to put myself into a G5. YAAAAAARRRRG!

Thanks again!


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