I get this and I get it often. what does it for me is when I start running out of hard drive space, mac os X sort of sacrifices its prefs rather than dumping what i'm working on.. which would be nice, except none of the times have I actually *ran out of space*, i've just gotten down to 100mb or so. I think its something to do with classic and scratch disks.

I had my original 80 gig hard drive (g4 desktop) partitioned into 2 drives, the mac os X one was getting selected as the default scratch disk in PS, and i was rendering a couple thousand frames. I ran out of space quickly on that partition and thats when prefs started to go away. Since then, i've switched ps to the other partition and I've gotten a 180gig external firewire drive. It hasn't happened since.

On my lombard, I record audio in great lengths and i often run out of hard drive space. I've gotten the "dumping prefs" thing a little less often, but i have gotten it.

verdict: get more hard drive space, watch classic and its stupendous space wastage, and double check your scratchdisk settings.

I hope this bit of sleep-deprived rambling actually helps.

Of course, it could be something completely different actually causing the problem. -=shrug=- good luck.


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