On 13/10/04 16:51, "Michel Treisman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I copy and paste into a word document I get a 'smart button'  that
> offers me the choice of keeping the source format,
> or converting to the destination format.   I always want to convert to
> the destination format.
> The button is always set to use the source format, so I always have t o
> fiddle around to get the result I want.
> I can find no way to change the default for the button so that it
> automatically selects the destination format.  Is there any way around
> this?

I'm not sure what version of Word you're using, but in Word v.X, I use the
"Paste Special" command. I did assign the command the keyboard shortcut
'Command + Shift + V'. What it does is present me with a dialog where I can
see which in which format is the text in the clipboard. When I want the
copied text to follow the document attributes, I choose "Unformatted text".
I haven't found a paste command that would paste the text unformatted

Laurent Daudelin                 Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
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