> [snip] Calling on early Qumran deposit is not only a deus ex
> machina but one undefined: Ian Young does not investigate whether the
> Ian Hutchesson dating has made any credible claim, has any merit, can
> toss out paleography, archaeology, C14, says that's outside the bounds of
> article. Not so, since that deposit time does not work.
> Ian slights the fact that a 73/4 end date does not date the mss--how much
> older are they? Paleography suggests 1st BC dates, hence a difference of
> tradition, not chronology.

After some ten iteration loops since the 90s I tend to doubt the common
learning aptitude: The Hutchessson 'dead end' is as dead as a dead man
actually can be, for it, like other scenarios that end up with 63 BC, is
unable to explain e.g. the decisive role of horsearchers in 1QM and the
later insertion of col. 1.5-9, a hymn that refers to a contemporary decisive
battle of the 'Kittim' with outstanding importance for the specific Judaism
behind the scrolls.

Indeed, basic knowledge of the military history of both Parthia and Armenia
is to be presupposed, a least a reading of W.W. Tarn_Hellenistic Military  &
Naval Developments, Chicago 1984 and N.C. Debevoise_A Political History
of Parthia_New York 1968.


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