Thanks to all who responded, I've managed to download a couple of them and will 
sort them 
out later.  Meanwhile, the reason for the request,  which may not  actually be 
applicable to 
this list:

Someone has been trying to tell me that Gen 19:18 is one of something  like 134 
where scribes substituted Adonai for YHWH; the marginal note in BHS just  has 
the number, 
there's no footnote, and I can't seem to find  such a  reference so far.  This 
guy claims that 
this substitution is explained in the Masorah Magna.  I'm trying to locate it 
to see if he's got it 
right.  He gave me what's supposed to be the full list of  passages where this 
substitution is purported to have happened.  I checked several of them against 
passages in the DSS, and what I found does not support such a substitution 
idea.  Still, it 
would be good  to know if some (or all)  of the Masoretes  actually believed 
such a thing.  
Any help tracking down such a reference  in the MM would be greatly appreciated!

Dave Washburn
g-Megillot mailing list

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