É un tema que sobrepasa as miñas capacidades, refírome as ferramentas de
axuda, pero hoxe, na lista de tradutores de Ubuntu-es apareceu este correo:

2009/3/25 Adi Roiban <adi en roiban.ro>

In the last years all Romanian localization team were trying to use a
single source for translation terminology.

I would like to share that code with you. Maybe someone can find it
useful. The code is pretty messy as is over 5 years old and it was
always developed in a hurry.

I have put a demo here. Feel free to mess with it.

The code is here:

I don't know if this is useful for you but you can see it's integration
here: http://i18n.ro/Glosar
Only the terminology tool: http://i18n.ro/glosar/

If you would like to use it for your team and need some help, please let
me know.

Adi Roiban

Creo que sería bo que os que sabedes do tema lle botedes un ollo.

"Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx,
.ppt, .pptx
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