At 7:10 PM -0400 9/23/08, Charles Davis wrote:
>Externals are good. And there does need to be more than one External. 
>Actually, the '3 Sets' rule (not previously stated as a Rule' would 
>fit here also. Maybe some 'Thumb Drives' for groups of Pix? or other
>'Data' type files.

Well first there was the 160gb as that seemed logical for the 120gb 
desktop. Then came the laptop (30gb). Then that filled. Then I found 
a good price on a 320gb. Then, well, you know.... LOL  The 160gb is 
pretty much primary pix storage, along with an old bootable OSX 
partition which I should update! I have a 4gb thumb drive. Back in 
the day I had scanned negatives on CD's. I tried to put them on DVDs 
when I got the FW800 but the time to read the directory was horrific 
so I pretty much gave up on that.

>Gee,  You got the "Official" training.  ;-)
>Getting it 'In the trenches', sometimes means two or three cycles of
>'Disaster', before the light finally clicks ON.

I had good teachers.  :) Knock on wood, I never lost anything at 
work. I have lost a few things here but before I had my externals.

I'll have questions on bootable clones for another time too, I know 
that is something I am lacking at the moment.



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