On Sep 30, 2008, at 7:40 AM, diane wrote:

> At 3:59 AM -0700 9/30/08, Dan the listmom wrote:
>> If you're not willing to share your name and location, there are  
>> other
>> places to post your items, but to protect members of LEM Swap, we
>> require this information.
> My zip code *is* my location.

Unless your Zip code includes the "Optional" +4 information, your Zip  
code is an area of possible locations.

> And I don't see how asking for full
> name/zip is going to weed out bad apples. If someone wants to be a
> crooked buyer/seller, they are going to do it no matter what.

You are right about the 'Bad apples'. But the aim wasn't at  
preventing them from existing, it is to ease the pain involved in the  
'nannies' trying to be helpful when referring things to a local law  
enforcement entity.
> I am not trying to be ornery, I just find it an odd request. I had
> always found the LEM Swap to be a great list back in the day and of
> course always shared full contact info with the other party once we
> made an agreement.
> My .02, I guess if it works for you, it works for you. I also noted
> to the nanny that rejected my posting, that another came through that
> day with no info, so there is a consistency issue as well.

An YOU never slip up on anything, right?

> Of course,
> I received no response to *that*! ;-)
> Thanks,
> Diane
Yes, things can be annoying at times, and unless you are yelling  
'FIRE' in a burning theater and being 'shushed', let it slide.

Chuck D.

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