Sorry, posting this as a NEW topic a SECOND time, because Google  
Groups mis-handled my reply to "Spring Cleaning" and changed the  
Subject line.

On Oct 29, 2008, at 6:58 PM, g3-5-list group wrote:

> == 1 of 2 ==
> Date: Wed, Oct 29 2008 4:00 am
> From: insightinmind
> Having use the wrong Search box, not the one on the Search for
> Support, but the one next to the word Support in the Menu bar on
> Apple's site, I had ended up with CUDA "references" in iTunes,
> complete with album artwork, and not the useful one that appears
> first when using the correct Search box (the one that only includes
> Support).

Right now, I have the main support page open showing three (3) search  
boxes.  It is all too easy to use the wrong one.
> == 2 of 2 ==
> Date: Wed, Oct 29 2008 3:44 pm
> From: Dan
> The new is really screwed up.  Besides being
> slowslowslow, it seems to rarely find on-point articles like it used
> to.

It seems designed for almost aimless browsing around topics of  
interest.  I have sometimes been surprised to find what I want to see  
only after messing around and drilling down two, three, four levels.   
Earlier today, I searched on "autosense," knowing that there are  
technical articles dealing with ethernet cables for the past 5-6 years  
or more.  All I found was something quoted from the MacBook manual.   
The drop down window says to broaden the search query.  Wha-a-a-t?   
Just now, searching on "autosense and ethernet" got me to a list of  
items which included a link to what I wanted the first time.

Taking a couple article numbers from the hits, I then searched using  
those numbers in the search box next to "Support" on the home page.   
That gets me to irrelevant hits for iTunes.  Oh!  There is that third  
box to the left when the Support tab is open.  That works.

Al Poulin

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