At 13:48 -0600 11/11/08, Bill Arnold wrote:
Messages received via Mail show a time on the message,
Example: Date: November 3, 2008 10:45:14 AM CST (CA)
The same time is shown in the Date Received pane for the mailbox selected.

What time is supposed to show for received messages,ie.time sent, 
time received by ISP server, time received by Mail on my machine?

On occasion a message will make reference to GMT when recording the time.

Is there a specification for times shown on messages sent and 
received and does it vary by email client?

Try  section 3.3

to start with. It points to later additions which change things. And 
2822 has been on the "standards track" since 2001. RFC 822 is the 
only adopted standard.

There are also newer ones that discuss the likes of "format flowed" 
which seem to change every time someone wants to distinguish his own 
mail system as in some way better.

Apple's "delsp = yes" addition to that causes all kinds of problems 
with broken links.


--> From the USSA, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <--

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