mlitwin writes,

<I am very new to Apple but have you tried the gimp drivers for  
printers? perhaps this group can tell you if one of them would work.  
I wanted my G3 and G4 to use the same printer,an Epson stylus Color  
880. There was no problem with the G4 but the only driver that worked  
on the G3,using 10.3.9,was a Gimp driver.
      I think you are asking about use of a printer?>

1. Welcome to our List, and to the (almost) always wonderful world of 
Mac. :-)

2. Thanks, but no, it's not actually a printer problem I'm having. I 
mentioned a printer driver issue (which doesn't actually affect my 
ability to print: my LaserWriter 4/600 PS works very well in OS X) in my 
description of the problem (an OS 9-on-G4 issue) because I had originally 
thought an error message I was getting with regards to a driver for the 
printer I used to use might have been relevant to the cause of my 
problem, and thought the gurus on the List would find it easier to help 
me if I gave them complete information/history of what was going on. It's 
not enough to say "My G4 won't boot or run OS 9" because there are 
frequently a lot of reasons that can cause trouble.

Anyhoo, hmmmm, while I'm here, time for a status report. Earlier today, 
dc ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) suggested I nuke and pave my OS 9 HD. I'd quote 
his/her exact suggestion and reasoning (most of which made excellent 
sense), except it's on the Powerbook 5300 and I'm now back up on the G4 
in Tiger, which is good, but back at Square One (Classic Mode is good in 
OS X but no bootable OS 9). So, here's the update:

1. Yup, my backups were good to go (with one minor update), so yes, I 
followed the Disk Utility "write zeroes" reformat that HD advice 
precisely. However, since I don't like multi-partitioning my HDs unless 
it's absolutely necessary (like on my iBook which only has one HD, so I 
gave that a small OS 9 boot partition), plus, since for two years I was 
booting and running 9 on this machine from that HD as single partition, I 
wanted to be able to do it again -- so I didn't follow the part of the 
suggestion to partition the HD -- I just reformatted it. Yes, I made sure 
the box was checked for installing OS 9 drivers.

2. On the nice clean HD, I installed OS 9 using the Mac OS 9.2.2 install 
CD from the pack of CDs I got with my Quicksilver (which would contain G4 
drivers, not G3 like from my old Beige and even older other OS 9 install 
CDs I have). It went mostly OK, i.e., I got a couple of unexpected 
prompts about it not being able to install Airport stuff, chose the 
"skip" option on that because I don't have Airport for my G4 anyway (and 
if I ever get it, I'll be using it solely on OS X). Maybe I got those 
prompts during the supposed clean install I thought I did shortly after 
getting my G4, but I don't remember, so they kind of surprised me. But, 
other than that, it installed fine.

3. Used the Classic Preferences from Tiger to set this up to run Classic. 
Yes, I did this "way back when" (i.e., originally, shortly after getting 
my G4 as mentioned above), and now I think I know what dc meant when 
he/she said OS X would make alterations which would bless this system 
folder -- it told me it had to make an Update, and I clicked to let it. 
That, I presume, was the "blessing." Right? Well, OK, that's what I did. 
Classic started up fine. However, when I did this "way back when," my 
G4's Option-Restart feature allowed me to choose my OS 9 HD to boot with, 
and if I chose that drive, it would boot and run in 9 (whining about the 
old printer driver notwithstanding -- it would whine saying it didn't 
have the driver, but when I clicked OK, it would proceed to run nicely in 
9, until recently when it started freezing up) -- but now when I 
Option-Restart, it only shows me my OS X HD. Doesn't matter if I do the 
Option-Restart by holding the Option key down while choosing Restart from 
the Apple menu or if I do it with the G4's power button. I said, I'm back to Square One: I can't make my Quicksilver 
boot and run in 9.

Any more suggestions, anyone?



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