Bruce Johnson wrote:
> On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:41 AM, Ted Treen wrote:
>> This might just be co-incidence (haven't yet tested it through  
>> multiple
>> restarts) but my InDesign CS3 (5.0.4) now hides on "apple-H", which  
>> has
>> always been a bugbear.
> Adobe has been screwing with the standard keyboard shortcuts for a  
> while now. This behavior may or may not last until Adobe breaks, I  
> mean 'updates' InDesign again.
Correct: Everything else in CS3 (Illustrator, Photoshop etc. hides 
itself when told to: Up to this morning, InDesign wouldn't, not from the 
menu nor the keyboard.

Screwing with Apple's programming guidelines, and other system-wide 
"accepted" conventions is something I might expect from Redmond, but I 
always thought Adobe were good guys in this respect.

Maybe I'm just getting naive in my dotage...


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