On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 7:22 PM, Yersinia <yersi...@cybernex.net> wrote:

> Del writes,
> <The App came along fine, and files are in a new partition,  but of
> course,
> the original program still points to a different HD and partition. I am
> grossly ignorant of such goings on, but hope some of the great minds on
> this
> forum know some sensible workaround that I can do, or way to trick them
> into
> finding each other again.>
> If you mean when you double click App's icon in the dock: Remove it from
> the dock, then open App's folder (Applications or wherever you keep it on
> the new HD) and drag App's icon from THERE back into the dock.
> ~Yersinia.

That's so simple a fix I am dumfounded, I was dreading re-directing each
file one at a time,
thankyou very much,
(now at last I can put on our website that we are closed for the Holidays, )
and a  happy one to you all

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