On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 21:21 -0800, aussieshepsrock wrote:
> The method the 1's and 0's are stored is inherently unstable and the
> 1's and 0's don't stay as specified in a durable manner. The 'data' in
> a sense evolves on it's own and can't be relied upon in a 'calendar'
> based measurement of time.
> Is that phrased better?
  The way I would say it is that Flash memory stores bits as voltages
for a bunch of memory cells.  The voltage decays over time and so Flash
memory is not suitable for archival.  If you want to get a little more
technical, most Flash memory these days is MLC where each memory cell
represents 2 or 3 bits of storage.  MLC is even worse to consider for
archival, because even smaller voltage drops will change the value that
is represented in the memory cell.
Good luck,

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