On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Kris Tilford <ktilfo...@cox.net> wrote:
> I'm trying to attach a microphone to a dual G5 2.3GHz thru the audio
> line-in jack on the back. It's a normal 3.5mm stereo mini-jack as far
> as I can tell. I have several microphones, an Apple monaural, an Aiwa
> mini stereo, etc. It's definitely NOT an old Apple mic that uses the
> longer jack plug, although perhaps Apple requires a "special"
> microphone with a "normal" plug now?
> There seems to be some problem with the audio input. It's pretty much
> non-existent. I've tried many things already.
> I'm hoping someone on the list has had a similar experience and knows
> a solution.
> Things I've tried:
> Audio MIDI Setup to select and adjust sound input, the input volume is
> set to 1.0 (highest) and 12dB.
> Rogue Amoeba's LineIn app to "Pass Thru" sound input (shows VERY small
> input with either mic, but if I plug or unplug there is a spike so it
> appears the port is active, just not enough gain to register.
> Rogue Amoeba's SoundSource menu bar input/output preferences selection
> (works normally, and I DO have input from USB based sources when USB
> devices are selected, it's the "Line In" (built-in) that's non-
> fuctional).
> Cycling '74's Soundflower to redirect audio input and output source
> between applications. Seems to work, but again, no gain.
> These all seem to work normally, I suppose there could be a conflict
> of some sort?
> Any ideas, I'd like to get a microphone working if possible?
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~

In my own experience I would question if the plug, jack, or both, were dirty.
Also I would examine the condition of the cable and furthermore try a
different mic.
( I know that would mean more than one failed in this case)

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