At 11:07 AM -0600 2/8/2009, Dan A. Currie wrote:
>When I try to boot up OS9.2 going through SP, it tries very hard to find
>OS9.2 - the old file folder is there flashing from the Picasso to ? mark
>about 5 or 6 times then it "gives up" and goes to 10.5.

The flashing ? means that the bootstrap didn't get a direct response 
from that boot volume, so it is now going thru its search order.

At 11:12 AM -0600 2/8/2009, Dan A. Currie wrote:
>When I hold down Option key it does not show up.

The card you have that drive plugged into - does it support booting?

What happens if you hit the refresh button, to make it rescan?   I'm 
thinking maybe that drive isn't still ready when the bootstrap 
initially probes it - it might have spun down and hasn't finished 
spinning back up yet.   (many drives can control that by jumper 

Long shot, but try switching master & slave on that bus.  It 
shouldn't make a diff, but sometimes IDE voodoo bites you.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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