My QS 2002 Dual 1GHz, 10.5.4,  issues with kp-s and Blue Screen  
freezes, seems to have been solved by replacing my upgraded video  
card with the original one.

After using the Suggested 12-Steps for resolving kp-s at:

I discovered that my ATI Radeon 9800Pro Mac Edition is somehow  
causing my issues.

It may be too early, but the following full setup now seems to be  

AGP Slot1 nVidia Geforce 4MX
PCI Slot2 empty
PCI Slot3 M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496
PCI Slot4 Sonnet Tango USB1/FW400
PCI Slot5 Rosewill NIC 10/100/1000

I may try upgrading now to 10.5.6.

One lingering problem: on Restart, the video doesn't come on. Cold  
Boot, things appear fine. I tried running some of OnyX (latest  
version's Scripts), but I'm wondering what else I might try to  
resolve this issue. Not too sure about the other OnyX  
capabilities ... cache clearing?

Suggestions welcomed.

Bill Connelly

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