Not quite true, there are certain keys you can press to tell the
computer where to start from.
C = Start from CD.
Option = Start from available OS9 installation.
X = Start from available OSX installation.

I know the Option keystroke works, it forces it to boot into OS9 no
matter which device you have selected in the OS's Startup Disk. I'm
not so sure about the OSX since I've never booted off a supported OSX
on my beige tower.


On Feb 22, 8:06 pm, Kris Tilford <> wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2009, at 7:40 PM, Mullin9 wrote:
> > In the new-world mac, I press "option" at startup to select the
> > startup disk,
> > But on the Old-World Beige Mac, what key do I push to select the
> > startup disk,
> If you're using an unsupported version of OS X (10.3 or 10.4)  
> requiring XPostFacto you must use XPF to select the startup disk. If  
> you're using a supported version of OS X (10.2 or earlier) or OS 9 you  
> use Apple Startup Disk to select the startup disk.
> There isn't any firmware option (meaning keystroke) for selecting the  
> startup disk prior to boot, although you can boot into Open Firmware  
> command line and use open firmware commands to select the startup  
> device. This isn't easy because you'll need to know the exact arcane  
> open firmware device name to be able to specify it. It can be done,  
> but it's not for the faint of heart, and generally you could boot a CD  
> holding the "C" key and then use Apple Startup Disk from there unless  
> you're using an unsupported OS X which will not work properly if you  
> use Apple Startup Disk since it conflicts with XPF.
> If you reset the PRAM/NVRAM the Beige defaults to the master drive of  
> the primary ATA bus. These other old-world boot key commands work, but  
> aren't too useful unless you use SCSI drives in the Beige:
> Cmd-Opt-Shift-Delete: Bypass startup drive and boot from external SCSI
> Cmd-Opt-Shift-Delete-#: Boot from a specific SCSI ID #.(#=SCSI ID  
> number)

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