You may need to change the jumper setting and/or cable position on
your boot drive. The easiest way to see if this is the problem is to
put the old dead drive back in place, just as it was before. Your Mac
should boot normally and you will be able to use Disk Utility to check
the disk and permissions on yuor boot drive. When you remove the old
drive look carefully at the label on the boot drive. It will show you
the jumper configurations. With a single drive you want it on the end
of the cable with the jumpers set to "Master" or "Single Drive".
You still might be able to get the data off your old drive if you have
an external USB or Firewire adapter. The external power supply
sometimes gives a little more power than the Mac"s internal PSU, just
enought a get a borderline hard drive to spin up. No guarantees but it
has worked for me more than once.

On Mar 17, 6:39 am, Janine Cheung <> wrote:
> As I said, I need help!
> I have a 1 Ghz Dual Processor Quick Silver with 1.5 GB ram, running OS
> 10.4.11
> I had two harddrives installed. My main drive is 150 GB but shows up
> as being 120 gb.   The other harddrive was about 80 GB.
> Anyway... I turned the computer on today and heard a persistant
> clicking noise.... I investigated a little, but was not too worried
> because the main boot drive was functioning normally.
> Later checked here on the list for possible reasons for the clicking
> noise and found it was likely harddrive failure... which is when I
> went looking for my second harddrive icon on the desktop... couldn't
> find it .... so I loaded in my OS X install disk and rebooted with it
> as the startup disk.  The missing drive did not appear in the lineup.
> I then switched back to my boot drive and made backups of all my
> working files.  However, I've lost access to whatever was on the
> second drive, and alas, do not have a recent backup.  Is there any way
> to retrieve files from a "dead" drive?
> Okay.... so I'm now missing some stuff... mainly downloaded music, and
> purchased stock photos..... BUT that's when it goes from bad to worse!
> I turned off the computer, unplugged it, grounded myself and went in
> an discounted the malfunctioning harddrive.  Tried to reboot,  heard
> the start-up chime, after along wait, got the grey apple logo screen,
> and then after another long wait, my desktop photo and dock appeared
> on the screen, but my files did not load.... just the spinning beach
> ball...... I let it sit for .5 hour.... but nothing was happening so I
> shut down the computer again and restarted by holding down the "c"
> key, since the install disk was still in the DVD drive.
> I then checked the boot volume and it came up that a minor repair was
> needed... did that, and then verfied the permissions.  That came up
> saying that everything was wrong. So I ran repair permissions.
> Then I rebooted using the main drive, and that's when it gets stuck
> (as detailed above)
> My files are still on the boot drive, but how can I get the harddrive
> to mount?
> I don't have an up-to-date version of Disk Warrior..... if I got the
> appropriate version and ran it, building a new volume directory for
> the disk, would that solve the prolem?
> Any other suggestions?
> I had a SCSI card in a slot that I wasn't using, so I pulled it out
> just in case it was interfering with the boot process in some way.
> Still get hung up at the desktop, with the spinning beachball.
> Like I said earlier... HELP!
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