I'd just run 10.4 on both of them with max ram.


On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Marty Levine <marty.lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 10:55 PM, Bill Christensen
> <billc_li...@greenbuilder.com> wrote:
>> At 7:14 PM -0700 5/11/09, McGrude wrote:
>>>  > The first machine is an iMac. I am guessing from his description it is
>>>>  either an early G5 or 2nd gen G5 iMac but I have not seen the machine
>>>>  yet.  He will be bringing it in soon
>>>>  The 2nd machine is a iBook G4 933mhz, 256 mb RAM, 40 GB hard drive,
>>>>  airport extreme, CD-RW/DVD-ROM (combo drive I guess), battery life of
>>>>  maybe 5 mintues - effectively dead.
>>>I'd say 10.5 for both.  If he keeps the iBook then he'll definitely
>>>want to get
>>>a battery and a memory upgrade. If it were me I'd put the maximum amount
>>>of RAM in both machines, install 10.5 and be happy for a year or two.
>>>  - Mike
>> I agree.  The iBook should do fine with 10.5 if it gets more RAM (as
>> usual, the more the better), but will be molasses without it no
>> matter what version of OSX he puts on it.   It'll be a decent machine
>> for email/web/wordprocessing and such that a student should be doing,
>> and fairly slow for things like photoshop and probably lousy for
>> gaming.  Which is a good thing IMO.   It's old enough that it doesn't
>> scream "steal me" the way a new 'book would.
>> --
>> Bill Christensen
>> <http://greenbuilder.com/contact/>
> I'm leaning towards 10.5 as a recommendation as well.  If he does not
> want to spend the money on the laptop it is probably the best choice
> for providing a good user experience with the newest Safari. I really
> have no idea what he wants to do with it.    Even if the laptop is
> tethered by a powercord it should be OK for his kids,  Unplug it and
> move it for the next one.  Most libraries have outlets if one of them
> wants to work on it there.
> I guess I better start pricing for RAM for them and a family copy of
> Leopard on the swap lists.  They can wait on the battery to see if
> they like it.
> >

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