On Jun 15, 2009, at 2:32 PM, nestamicky wrote:

> Do you have a link, Dan?

Here's a link, but honestly, you should learn to use Google. I'd never  
heard of this before, and it took me 10 seconds to find the link. So  
you'll know, I searched the terms: rpm optimized seamonkey. It wasn't  
the 1st hit on Google, it was the 10th hit, and that was because the  
british spell optimized as optimised, so the difference between a "z"  
and an "s" caused a slight glitch. The general rule on searching is to  
try "specific" search terms, in this case, "seamonkey" is the most  
specific, and to delineate from other versions, the term "optimized"  
was used. "rpm" is a requirement, but it also VERY common and vague,  
so it's only there because it's likely an absolute requirement. It  
doesn't take long to learn how to search effectively for yourself.


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