On Jul 5, 2009, at 12:05 AM, Stephen Conrad wrote:

> My spare HDs
> ===========
> Generic 120.0 GB 7200 RPM
> Samsung SP0802N (S/N S00JJ40Y371416)   -> Listed on it as "probably
> bad" but I'd still check it out
> WD Caviar 22500 AT Compatible Intelligent Drive
> WD Caviar 12100 EIDE
> Are these PATA HDs?
> I want to buy a G4 from someone and he said they will

Haven't googled for these particular drives. Basically any relatively  
modern HD (Probably more than a few megabytes, and definitely anything  
over 1 GB) that has a 40 pin connector will work for you.

You do have a 120GB  limit without a lot of futzing around.


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