On Jul 6, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> On Jul 4, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Timo Virkkala wrote:
>> I'm trying to revive a G4 box. I pulled a hard drive and memory  
>> from a
>> working 400MHz Sawtooth into a 500MHz Sawtooth.
>> But it won't shut down from the software. It restarts.
>> I pulled items out of the admin account's Library/StartupItems/
>> folder. Still does it.
>> Could hard drive jumper settings do this? (I have no jumper installed
>> in the Western Digital drive, right now.)
>> What else could cause this?
> I've had this happen with flaky USB devices attached.
> -

My old, original QS 2002 mobo had a rickety USB port ... I believe it  
made my KB a flaky USB device when I wasn't careful.

Replacing the mobo solved that, too ... and the fried components from  
the electrical strike ... and possibly a bad eBay purchase a year  
earlier ... all solved with a $45 Rev B mobo ...

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